29 de jan. de 2008

Menu deslizante

Pegue o código, faça as modificações e cole no HTML/Javascript no seu blogger

border: 1px solid #666666;
background-color: #eef7f8;
padding: 13px;
font-size: 13px;
font-family: Verdana, Arial;
position: absolute;
width: auto;
height: auto;
border: 1px solid #666666;
background-color: #eef7f8;
padding: 13px;
font-size: 13px;
font-family: Verdana, Arial;
position: absolute;
width: auto;
height: auto;
<!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->
Place the two <div>'s below in the <body> of your code.
(Normally, this will be immediately after the <body>
tag.) The menuShow div will contain your links; change
the text, links, and targets as needed.
<div id="menuSelect">
<a href="#" onclick="moveOnMenu();moveOffSelector()">
<img border="0" width="28" src="http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/7780/5arrowaxmk5.gif" height="28"/></a>
<div id="menuShow">
<a href="#" onclick="moveOffMenu();moveOnSelector()">
<img border="0" width="28" src="http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/7780/5arrowaxmk5.gif" height="28"/></a>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item A</a><br/>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item B</a><br/>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item C</a><br/>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item D</a><br/>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item E</a><br/>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item F</a><br/>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item G</a><br/>
<a href="AQUI O ENDEREÇO DO SEU LINK">Menu Item H</a><br/>
Put the following script immediately *after* the
<div>'s (above) in your page. Set the variables as
indicated in the script.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Original: David Sosnowski (support@codelifter.com) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.codelifter.com/ -->
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com/ -->
<!-- Begin
// (C) 2001 http://www.codelifter.com/
// http://www.codelifter.com/
// Free for all users, but leave in this header.
// Set Show to "yes" to show the menu on start-up.
// Set Show to "no" to show the selector on start-up.
Show ="yes";
// Set OffX in pixels to a negative number
// somewhat larger than the width of the menu.
var OffX = -150;
// Set the PosX and PosY variables
// to the location on the screen where the
// menu should position (in pixels) when stopped.
var PosX = 250;
var PosY = 100;
// Usually, use the settings shown; but you can
// change the speed and the increment of motion
// across the screen, below.
var speed = 1;
var increment = 1;
var incrementNS4 = 5; // for slower NS4 browsers
// do not edit below this line
// ===========================
var is_NS = navigator.appName=="Netscape";
var is_Ver = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var is_NS4 = is_NS&&is_Ver>=4&&is_Ver<5;
var is_NS5up = is_NS&&is_Ver>=5;
var MenuX = OffX;
var SelX = PosX;
var sPosX = PosX;
var sOffX = OffX;
if (Show == "yes") {
sPosX = OffX;
sOffX = PosX;
MenuX = sOffX;
SelX = sPosX;
if (is_NS4) {
increment = incrementNS4;
Lq = "document.layers.";
Sq = "";
} else {
Lq = "document.all.";
Sq = ".style";
document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.left = sPosX+"px";
document.getElementById('menuShow').style.left = sOffX+"px";
document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.top = PosY+"px";
document.getElementById('menuShow').style.top = PosY+"px";
function moveOnMenu() {
if (MenuX < PosX) {
MenuX = MenuX + increment;
if (is_NS5up) {
document.getElementById('menuShow').style.left = MenuX+"px";
} else {
function moveOffMenu() {
if (MenuX > OffX) {
MenuX = MenuX - increment;
if (is_NS5up) {
document.getElementById('menuShow').style.left = MenuX+"px";
} else {
function moveOffSelector() {
if (SelX > OffX) {
SelX = SelX - increment;
if (is_NS5up) {
document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.left = SelX+"px";
} else {
function moveOnSelector() {
if (SelX < PosX) {
SelX = SelX + increment;
if (is_NS5up) {
document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.left = SelX+"px";
} else {
// End -->
<!-- Script Size: 5.71 KB -->

Créditos: Code Lifter

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